Goal of the Course

In this course, you will be guided through major sections of Scripture to see real examples of wisdom straight from the text and walk away with a holistic understanding of Biblical wisdom in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. 

Matthew Delaney (MA Biblical Literature and Semitic Languages) starts by listing key wisdom vocabulary directly from the original languages of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament (Hebrew and Aramaic) and then guides you through many books and passages where this wisdom vocabulary occurs.

After clearly expressing the examples of wisdom from the text, Matthew carefully derives deeper principles from the examples that will help us understand and live out the message of Biblical wisdom. Speaking as a Christian, Matthew makes connections to the New Testament throughout as well as thoughts on how this content on wisdom impacts our lives today. No Hebrew or Aramaic knowledge is needed for this course.

Curriculum Overview

  What is Biblical Wisdom?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Wisdom in Genesis
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Wisdom in Exodus
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Wisdom in Deuteronomy
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Wisdom in Kings
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Wisdom in Isaiah and Hosea
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Wisdom in Proverbs
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Wisdom in Job and Ecclesiastes
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Wisdom in Psalms
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Wisdom in Daniel
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Recap and New Testament Reflections of Wisdom
Available in days
days after you enroll

Matthew Delaney

Matthew Delaney is a specialist in the Hebrew language who is passionate about making sense of the Hebrew Bible. After developing strong fluency in Modern Hebrew, Matthew took up the study of Biblical Hebrew. It was reading the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament in the original Hebrew language that brought the text to life for him. Ever since, he has dedicated himself to closely reading it in Hebrew and sharing insights with others.

During his master’s degree, Matthew went on to study more elements of ancient Hebrew (inscriptions, Ben Sira, Dead Sea Scrolls, and Mishnaic Hebrew) and took courses in a variety of Semitic languages such as Aramaic, Syriac, Akkadian, and Ugaritic. It was during this time when he realized the importance of understanding the original, ancient context of the Hebrew Bible for holistic interpretation for the church today. Matthew started Hebrew Bible Insights, a podcast and YouTube channel, to meet that need by creating original content as well as bringing in other scholars to share their expertise.

Matthew served as a pastor, curriculum developer, and communication coach before becoming a Hebrew professor. With a foot in the practical and a foot in the academic, Matthew is passionate about communicating meaningful ideas of the Bible in an engaging and clear way.

Matthew is currently a Lecturer of Hebrew at Oral Roberts University where he teaches courses in Modern Hebrew and Wisdom Literature of the ancient Near East. He is also the founder, host, and producer of Hebrew Bible Insights. Matthew, his wife Shannon (who is a pediatrician), and their two kids live in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

M.A. Biblical Literature and Semitic Languages

B.A. Communication and Modern Hebrew

Hebrew Ulpan at Hebrew University of Jerusalem

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